Dear Member
Welcome to Lawyers Against Poverty (LAP) – a growing movement of lawyers and members of the wider legal community committed to using the skills and resources within it to fight the injustice of poverty around the world.
Lawyers Against Poverty (LAP) was set up in 2015 by a small group of lawyers committed to using their skills as lawyers to fight inequality and, through LAP’s Justice Fund, to supporting strategic legal interventions to alleviate poverty worldwide. Today, we continue these ambitions, supporting an active network of members who, by gift of money or time, work together to contribute to the alleviation of poverty.
There are lots of ways you can get involved with LAP activities and meet others who share your interests. Whether you would like to join one of our thematic groups on Women’s Rights, Refugee Rights, Land Rights, or Ethical Business, attend one of our events or watch a recent webinar, there’s lots to explore.
For a more hands on experience, have a look at our current volunteering programmes and see what opportunities speak to you. You could get together a small team of volunteers to run our refugee legal confidence sessions, offer your time as a mentor to a member of our junior network or connect with another legal professional through our Twinning programme to find out more about practice in different fields and regions.
Your membership donations also enable LAP to make grants from the Justice Fund, supporting projects each year that increase access to justice around the world. Find out more about our recent grants here. You will be invited to vote on any future grant proposals – this makes you part of a unique model of collaborative grant-making, channelling resources within the legal community directly to projects contributing to greater equality around the world.
Here are some useful links and contact details to keep in touch and up to date:
Twinning Programme: twinning@lawyersagainstpoverty.org
Mentoring: juniorlap@lawyersagainstpoverty.org
Refugee Legal Confidence Sessions: refugees@lawyersagainstpoverty.org
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8439704/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LawyersvPoverty/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lawyersagainstpoverty
JustGiving: https://www.justgiving.com/lawyersagainstpoverty
If you have questions or would like to find out more about any LAP opportunities, get in touch.
Best Wishes,
Emma Lough (she/her)
Lawyers Against Poverty