Partner Organisations
We are excited to collaborate with a range of organisations that strengthen our response to inequality and injustice. We celebrate the diversity of legal and non-legal skills within our network and welcome opportunities to connect LAP members and their skills with wider initiatives promoting equality and social justice.
We recognise that the law is just one part of the fight against poverty and are committed to strengthening the collective power of the legal community to contribute to broader efforts, both locally and globally, to make poverty history. With thanks to our partners and supporters for their generosity in collaboration.
We really enjoyed our partnership with Lawyers against Poverty. We recognise the real value of the Legal Confidence Sessions to our clients and would thoroughly recommend LAP to other organisations working with newly recognised refugees.
Islington Centre for Refugees & Migrants
Funding Partners
We are also thankful for the generous support of our funders and partners, whose belief in our mission helps us get closer to achieving it each day. With particular thanks to the Joffe Trust for sponsoring our launch as an independent charity.