Members of Lawyers Against Poverty lead an innovative model of collective philanthropy, pooling 50% of their membership donations to support causes directly through the Justice Fund. Many also offer their time and skills as volunteers through our programmes. Read more about the impact of their efforts to strengthen the collective voice of the legal community in the fight against poverty.
…Creating a movement of lawyers who have passion for justice, who cannot tolerate injustice, this is the key for solving all our problems because an army of activists pushing against injustices in laws and in the systems will give the voice that is needed for those we serve at JCLA.
Director, Justice Centre for Legal Aid, Jordan

Legal Confidence for Refugees in the UK
Leadership Training for Women in Uganda
Collaborative Learning on Strategic Litigation in Africa
Books without borders: Student book drives
Gender Justice during Covid-19
Litigation to Reform Domestic Violence Laws, Nigeria
Legal Assistance for Refugees in Lesvos, Greece
Crisis Legal Response for Refugees