Lawyers Against Poverty

1. Membership Application

Membership process 1
Membership process 1

Lawyers Against Poverty (LAP) is a growing movement of lawyers and members of the wider legal community committed to the alleviation of poverty around the world. As a member you can get involved in our programmes, connect with others, and support anti-poverty initiatives globally through the Justice Fund. If you have any questions about membership or the application process, get in touch at:

When you submit the form below, you will be registered to access the Member Area on this website using the information provided, and will be sent an email containing a link to set your password. If the email address you used in your application was already registered, you can already log in or reset your password.

* These fields are required.

Through the Government’s Gift Aid scheme, Lawyers Against Poverty can claim an additional 25p for every £1 you donate. So if you are a UK taxpayer, you can increase the value of your donations to us by 25%, at no extra cost to yourself! Simply fill in your address above and tick the box below to confirm your taxpayer status.

We will use the details provided to update your record and to process your donations to us. Please note: Lawyers Against Poverty can only claim Gift Aid if you provide your full first name, surname and home address.

Gift Aid declaration: