Lawyers Against Poverty is currently in the midst of its second series of refugee confidence sessions in collaboration with Refugee Resource in Oxford. These sessions are intended to offer the refugee community information on their rights in the UK. We want to empower and support refugees in their efforts to move forwards and live as valuable and valued members of society.
Starting in May and finishing in June, we are in the midst of a series of four workshops focusing on the following topics:
- Housing, which covers areas including the duties of Local Authorities under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996, homelessness, dealing with landlords, assured shorthold tenancies and the risks of no fault or section 21 notices, housing benefit and support agencies
- Women’s Rights (Part I), which covers autonomy and personal safety
- Women’s Rights (Part II), which covers rights at work
- Finance and Benefits, which covers bank accounts and credit, job seeker’s allowance, universal credit, housing benefit, income support, emergency relief, carer’s allowance and in work and out of work benefits
We are very eager to offer these and other sessions in more cities across the country so do contact us if you are interested in volunteering. You can read more here.