Lawyers Against Poverty – New Director

Lawyers Against Poverty – New Director

Lawyers Against Poverty is delighted to announce that it is now an independent charity and welcomes Emma Lough as its new Director 

As LAP moves into its next phase, we want to take this opportunity to thank our members for their support of our work as Oxfam’s Lawyers Against Poverty programme. This has enabled us to make grants of over £60,000 to projects improving access to justice around the world and link lawyers with innovative projects to help tackle inequality worldwide.

We are delighted to welcome Emma, who has supported a number of human rights and access to justice organisations and will lead our strategic development in this exciting new phase. Looking ahead, we look forward to growing global movement of activist lawyers committed to fighting social injustice and building a world without poverty.  

Keep an eye on our website and follow us on twitter to get updates about our upcoming launch event and volunteering opportunities.