This is the third in a series of case studies about the work of the Greek Council for Refugees (GCR) in Lesvos. Mahmoud is a refugee from Syria and was detained on arrival into Greece. He was a victim of torture and severely traumatised. Despite this, however, he did not receive a psychological assessment and was not identified as a vulnerable individual. GCR lawyers intervened immediately to request a reassessment of vulnerability. They attended his interview with the European Asylum Support Office (EASO), in which Mahmoud received the necessary recognition as a vulnerable individual. The lawyers visited the EASO and the Greek Asylum Service daily to ensure Mahmoud’s release from detention. Mahmoud was released and the geographic restrictions imposed on him as a non-vulnerable asylum seeker were lifted. He received an asylum applicant card and was referred to social services in order to allow him medical cover and accommodation. The lawyers also undertook the case of his sister, in order to ensure the unity of his family.