Our first ever hackathon!

Our first ever hackathon!

On 9th October 2017 Lawyers Against Poverty held our first ever hackathon!

This intensive 12 hour event, held at Gowling WLG in London, was led by the Lawyers Against Poverty in-house lawyers group. With the support of a web developer the participants at the hackathon populated a new website that we hope will become the go-to site for in-house lawyers interested in learning about ways do something to effect change in their organisation and in the world around them – Just Lawyers!

Thanks to all who came on the day and to Gowling WLG for letting us use their facilities and keeping us all very well fed!

The in-house lawyers group have some editing to do before the website is ready to launch publically but we look forward to sharing it in 2018.

[pdf-embedder url=”http://lawyersagainstpoverty.org/wp-content/uploads/Hackathon-flyer-9-October-2017-v3.pdf” title=”Hackathon flyer 9 October 2017 v3″]